Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Coming to an End

My program in London is all too quickly approaching an end.  Less than two weeks from now, I will be at home in the States and probably packing to go back to Drexel.  When I applied to study abroad this summer, my goals mainly centered around expanding my horizons and my point of view.  I wanted to understand this global industry from a British perspective and to see how they prepare their fashion students to enter the work force, making me more well-rounded.  I was surprised by multitude of differences in the approach to teaching and learning.  In the States, our grades are based on multiple assignments, how well we perform individually, and throughout the term, we take exams or have critiques.  At London College of Fashion, there was a more hands off approach.  We had one or two big assignments that we were expected to work on throughout the course on our own time, and when we were graded, it was based on how well we did in comparison to our peers.  It was definitely a wakeup call.  It was also beneficial to take classes with people from all over the world.  Working on assignments with them and hearing their input was interesting and also helped me see the business in a new light.  I have a new understanding of the world around me and am starting to see, more clearly, my place in it.  Overall, I feel like I have accomplished everything I came here to do and would do it all again in a heartbeat.      

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