Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flying By

Melbourne City

It is hard to believe that there are only three weeks left in my semester abroad. Time has seemed to fly by, so much so that it feels like I arrived in Australia yesterday. Along with the closing of the semester come finals and papers. At Swinburne, a semester is made up of twelve weeks of classes (not including the week of spring break). At the end of classes, there is a week study period before exams begin. The exam period lasts roughly two weeks, so you have ample time to study and the possibility of breaks between each exam. Luckily, I only have one exam, which isn’t until the end of November, so I will have plenty of time to study. I also have three papers to write which are due earlier in November.

While thinking about the preparation and work for papers and exams, I also think about leaving Australia, which has come to feel like home. I have had so many great experiences here and I can’t imagine leaving. Looking back at mid-July (before I left for Melbourne) I remember thinking that four months away would be so hard and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I already changed my plane ticket home to a later day once, so I guess it is fair to say that I have found plenty to do with myself here in Australia. I recently presented the idea with my parents about staying until the end of December, but that didn’t exactly fly with them. I think that if I had the money, I would definitely stay longer. Although I feel as though I have taken advantage of every opportunity and traveled a great deal, there still seems to be so much more to experience and see. As I am nearing the end of my stay here, I realize how much more I want to see and do before I leave. This experience has definitely instilled an even stronger desire to travel all over the world (for more than just a vacation). This experience has made the world seem so much smaller. I have even started thinking of where to work after I graduate from Drexel. Before, I only thought of places in the States, but now the possibilities of where I could work and live seem endless; the world is at my fingertips.

I not only think of leaving the beautiful country of Australia, but also the people I have met. I have gotten to know people from all over the world, each story and way of life uniquely different than the other (as well as mine). I have learned so much from other people and have formed some wonderful friendships. It is hard to think of us all going our separate ways. I am so glad that I have taken this opportunity to study abroad. Places I have been and people I have met have truly impacted my perceptions of life and culture. I am very glad I still have more time to experience everything Australia has to offer.

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